King James Bible Inspiration

Note From Dr. Russell Anderson


Do you believe God dictated His words to Dr. Riplinger. Phil Stringer

AUGUST 3, 2010

Dr. Stringer, Thank you for your question. No, I do not believe that God dictated His words to Dr. Riplinger. Did Dr. Riplinger actually say that God dictated His words to her or is that your characterization of her comments? What was the exact quote, and where is it located? Now that I was kind enough to briefly answer your question, would you please be so kind as to briefly answer a few of my questions of mine:

She makes this specific claim in a recorded interview that she was still selling on her website on July 26, 2010. She has made this claim in other places as well. It is the basis for her entire ministry. All such claims should be examined - no matter who makes them.Thank you for answering that you do not believe that God dictated His words to her. -- Phil Stringer
You did not answer my questions but equivocated. I aked for the exact quote and not your characterization or interpretation of the quote. --Herb Evans

You just refuted her entire ministry. -- Phil Stringer
Whatever I did, I gave you an honest and a direct answer, more than I get from you. - Herb Evans

You are the only person brave enough to give an answer and I will give you that. Phil Stringer
What bravery does that take. I could give you a dozen names that would deny your question in the way that you have framed it. -- Herb Evans

No I am not willing to engage in any lengthy discussions with you about anything. Phil Stringer
Of course not! You would rather pick on a woman than deal with someone your size, who would take you on point/counterpoint -- Herb Evans

You never respond to what people actually say and you live in a fantasy world. You have lied about a number of my friends and you have no concern for the truth. Phil Stringer
Would you care to back up these charges with documentation or would you like to continue back peddling and gossiping? Do you think you are demonstrating your concern for truth in the exchanges that you and I have had? -- Herb Evans

You are desperate for the attention that emails exchanges require but there is no point communicating with you because you are incapable of an honest exchange. Phil Stringer
Polite, honest exchange is what I attempted with you before you chickened out. Please document my dishonesty in those exchanges. You see I am not Dr. Riplinger or Dr, Ruckman, I will challenge your charges on me. If you cannot back up your charges, guess who is really lying. - Herb Evans

Your "ministry" consists of lying about fundamental Baptist preachers. Phil Stringer
Documentation please! Or it is you that is lying about this preacher? -- Herb Evans

Real people with real ministries do not have time for internet theologians like yourself. Why should they? Phil Stringer
At 74, beside being an assistant pastor, teaching an adult Sunday school class, having been a principal of a Christian school, fixing computers, and taking care of an invalid wife, spending time with my great granchildren, I have plenty of time to writing articles, debating on forums, preaching at other churches, contending for the faith, and eating out once in a while. It is all in knowing how to multi-task -- Herb Evans

Who are you? You are not a serious student of these matters, . . .Phil Stringer
Well I have been seriously contending for the KJB since the late sixties, before you stopped correcting the Bible in 1985. Now, who are you? - Herb Evans

You are not honest and you have never accomplished anything. Phil Stringer
Well, probably outside of starting two churches in New York, winning souls, and having over 400 articles written, most of which have been published in some Christian periodical - probaby nothing much. -- Herb Evans

Why should anyone waste time on you? -- Phil Stringer
You are probably right in your arrogant, "Dost thou teach us" state of mind. - Herb Evans

I do not normally read on your emails. Phil Stringer
Of course not, you would have to learn something from a high school drop out. Still, you have asked me for my articles in the past. - Herb Evans

You are well known as a nutcase. Phil Stringer And you are now know as a muck raker and a gossip and one who hurls insults, pejoratives, and names at those you are unable to refute or answer their arguments. -- Herb Evans

For the record (which I know you will misquote): I believe that the King James Bible is perfect, pure, inerrant and infallible. There is not a word in that should be changed or improved. I have hundreds of sermons and thousands of pages in the public record. Phil Stringer

1. Do you believe that the King James Bible, as we now have it, is inspired, and if it is not, what Bible extant is inspired? 2. Is the King James Bible issue Dr. Riplinger, Dr. Ruckman, or the King James Bible?

You can't find one example of my correcting anything in the King James Bible since 1985 when I took this position. You can find examples before that. Phil Stringer
But that is not what I asked you. Do you believe the King James Bible is inspired, and what Bible extant is inspired? -- Herb Evans

You have lied about me and slandered me as you have so many others. Phil Stringer
That is a serious charge. Would you care to document those quotes, or will you post a characterization of my comments? You are the pot calling the kettle aluminum in this post. -- Herb Evans

That may seem clever to you but you forget one thing. Our God is a God of truth. Phil Stringer
Yes and every man a liar. -- Herb Evans

No matter how powerful one of your lies is for a short period of time the truth always comes out. Phil Stringer
Yes, and I intend to continue exposing you as you have attempted to do others. How does a dose of your own medicine taste? -- Herb Evans

You do not need to waste your time contacting me again. Phil Stringer
That's right Hit, run, hide, and muck rack with yellow journalism. That is your speed. The truth that you talk about is apparent in this exchange. Everyone will know who the coward is. -- Herb Evans


Dr. Stringer, Thank you for your question. No, I do not believe that God dictated His words to Dr. Riplinger. Did Dr. Riplinger actually say that God dictated His words to her or is that your characterization of her comments? What was the exact quote, and where is it located? Now that I was kind enough to briefly answer your question, would you please be so kind as to briefly answer a few of my questions of mine:

1. Do you believe that the King James Bible, as we now have it, is inspired, and if it is not, what Bible extant is inspired?
2. Is the King James Bible issue Dr. Riplinger, Dr. Ruckman, or the King James Bible?
3. Are you willing to discuss the King James Bible issue with me without equivocating or mentioning Dr. Riplinger and/or Dr. Peter Ruckman, using ONLY the King James Bible itself?

Herb Evans

p.s. If you choose to discuss the issue with me, you will have no problem with me promoting my educational qualifications, for I am a high school drop out without any Bible College or cemetary training.
Do you believe God dictated His words to Dr Riplinger as she claims? Phil Stringer


Dallas, No, I do not believe that Phil Stringer is a real Bible believer as a result of an exchange that I had with him, where he chickened out after two exchanges (available upon request) and refused to debate the issue. Waite chickened out with me after 3 exchanges. The DBS is a psuedo Bible Defender organization that never has reached the plateau of being a real Bible Believer group. The problem with Stringer, Cloud, Waite, Minton, Kutilek, Waite, Sumner, and others is that they cannot answer Riplinger's arguments and have to respond to them with muck raking personal attacks and sift her life and books as wheat to find a mistake, as they parrot each other. If 90% of what she writes is true, it is they that are in trouble and not her, and it is they that are not trustworthy. It is my practice to defend Ruckman, Riplinger, and others against false accusations without embracing everything that they write. In regard to any valid criticism of KJO's, I let them fend for themselves. Obviously, prolific writers cannot be 100% right all the time. In the latest Biblical Evangelist, Riplinger is under attack via an article by Doug Kutilek, Bible Corrector, First class, with a barbed wire cluster. Thank you for your inquiry. -- Herb Evans

P.S. Les Potter is a frustrated young man that can't stand it when folks disagree with him. He and others have yet to define what Ruckmanism is as they parrot Bible Correctors.

A question for you. Do you believe Stringer is a real KJ bible believer? how about the Dean Burgeon Society? Another thing if one holds dear every word and every comma of the KJV, would there be a controversy the passove or easter. As to Riplinger, she is very much a human and sometimes errs. Now I have read behind her and have learned some things i needed to know. I have watched her response to critics like White, Cloud, Minton, etc. etc. I have noted they did not respond any more to her responses.

As to the influence of "Ruckmanism" (whatever that means) I do appreciate his defending the KJV and exposing schools which do not. I wish he and Riplinger agreed with me on every point in the defense of the KJV. i am appreciative of their clear stand on this matter.

His Glad Servant Pastor Dallas Bunch Bible Baptist Church P O Box 162 Barton, MD 21521

P. S When errors were pointed out in Riplinger's first book, she did make corrections in future editions. I do give folks some leeway if they are on the same side I am on in the battlle for the bible. Let the foes of the bible criticize those for the bible. They have plenty of critics without my pouring on.

July 31, 2010

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