King James Bible Inspiration

Note From Dr. Russell Anderson

Archive (not officially affiliated with Hyles-Anderson College)

This website and facebook page is dedicated to former students and graduates of Hyles-Anderson College to provide fellowship, discussion, and discernment for the issues we face today as we stand for truth. We will strive to help keep alive the principles Dr. Jack Hyles believed, and that the college taught. We will also expose those that are changing and warn others of the slippery slope so many are going down.

A few years ago, the former Chancellor of Hyles-Anderson College, Jack Schaap, changed on the teaching of the King James Bible. He taught that the Bible was only inspired in the originals, and that the Bible we have today has errors in it. At the time he was coming out with this, my oldest son was a senior and planning on going to HAC. We looked into what was being taught, and were saddened by what we found. Consequently, we decided that he didn’t need to go to school there.

I felt like pastors and parents needed to know what was being taught so their children wouldn’t be exposed to the error. This website was started for that issue. Archived are all the lessons, articles, sermons and letters that were posted at the time. Jack Schaap has since left HAC, but the issue of the King James Bible is still alive and people need to know the truth.

In the past few years, many of us have seen many errors in our movement, and have seen the direction of many go away from what we were taught. Many do not know what is going on in our movement and college, as we do not have our annual get together the third week of March. The purpose of this website is to help our former students and graduates discern the “signs of the times” and to know better how to stand for the truth. We want to keep the original purpose of the college in the forefront and proclaim a warning to people about those who have changed.

Many of us remember when Dr. Lee Roberson would come to the college and we would get to hear this great man preach. We would hear the stories of what he had built and how much he did for the Lord. He is gone to Heaven now and his work (college/church) has totally changed. The church isn’t even there anymore. We don’t want that to happen to our school, and if it goes that way, we want to make sure the graduates don’t fall in with them.

David Baker

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